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How to Be Happier Using Neuroscience

How to Be Happier Using Neuroscience

I've got a really interesting proposition for you.

What would you say, if I told you it's possible to feel happy - without doing more?

Without having to join a gym, meet new people or go to places that you're unfamiliar with?

All you need is an open mind and a commitment to understanding how your brain works.

Would you do it? 

The brain is a complex system consisting of interconnecting networks of neurons. Even small changes in one part of the brain can cause huge effects in another part.

These effects depend on many factors: the activity level of different regions and neurons, the presence or absence of synaptic junctions, the amount and type of neurotransmitter being released into the cell, and how often synapses are used (or not being used).

It also effects the level of happiness and joy we experience. The amount of anxiety we feel and the fight or flight mode. It can impact how well you perform in your career, as a leader and how you respond to different situations.

It all comes down to how you are wired.  I have studied the brain, this wiring and more importantly how to untangle it - to help people just like you live their best life. 

The easiest way to explain these somewhat complex concepts is to break it down into simple analogies. Let's start with the main one, which I call brain mapping.

Brain mapping is the act of understanding how we're wired, how individual cells work together to make decisions and act in accordance with their environment.

By mapping out the brain like a road map we can see where the good roads are and the not so helpful roads. 

We can replace the 'not so good' roads with new roads and pathways. Imagine being able to arrive at a gate and having a choice, you could take the hard way, or the easy way. But the only way to take the easy way, was a commitment on your behalf to changing how you think on a much deeper level.

Using multiple modalities I work with clients just like you to unlock the body code with the Body Intelligence System. The body code being the subconscious thought patterns that hold us in a state we're experiencing. 

No amount of courses, programs, mindfulness books or meditations will fix this wiring.

You need professional help to remove those unhelpful thoughts at a deeper level and replace it with new thought patterns - that's what I specialise in.

A tree with many branches and leaves.

Brain Mapping and a Tree - The Perfect Analogy

I liken the function of our brains to a tree.

At every level of a mature tree there are branches.

At the end of every branch, there are pieces "twigs" of that 'branch' becoming smaller pieces. 

The further you go, the smaller the pieces and more intricate it becomes.

Finally you arrive at the end. Leaves and flowers.

Your brain is like a large tree.

The central nervous system is the trunk of the tree - the strongest part that keeps everything going.

As we look at the brain, we investigate each 'branch' and where it leads to 'flowers and leaves'.

The subconscious beliefs and messages within us are the branches and it leads to how we react 'the flowers and leaves'.

If you wanted to espalier a fruit tree, you would train the branches to grow a certain way.

The same goes for your subconsciousness. 

Your subconsciousness controls your thoughts, actions and responses.

I work with clients to map their brain, subconscious thoughts and beliefs and redesign a new pathway to help them create a better and happier way of living.  For some this might mean - rewiring their brain to think differently so they feel more confident, they're performing at a higher level, they're unlocking unhelpful beliefs. In fact one of the most common ones I come across are money blocks. Some people no matter how hard they try and how well they work, they just can't seem to figure out why 

 Unfortunately as we grow up - we learn beliefs from our family and the external environment. What we think, how we react and everything we live by are ingrained from us at an early age.

If you were lucky enough to grow up in a loving family that nurtured and helped you become a strong confident adult, you are probably finding less conflict in your life and moving through to higher levels with ease.

But the reality is less than 10% of us have actually experienced that perfect life - where we were supported and formed strong healthy beliefs. Without realising it, we go through life with predetermined responses simply as a result to the external factors and lessons we have learned, and experienced through growing up.

Neuroscience can make you feel happy again.

  • It can fulfil that void that's in your heart and your head.
  • It can help you perform better in all areas of your life.
  • It can help improve your emotional quotient (intelligence) capabilities.
  • It can help you detangle the mixed messages in your head.
  • It can also alleviate anxiety, stress and negative unhelpful thoughts.

I've worked with thousands of clients over the years to help them untangle their subconscious thoughts and deliberately create a new pathway - to a more healthy state of mind.

I am a qualified practitioner and I work with private clients, entrepreneurs and C-level executives from all around the world.

Many of my corporate clients hire me because I help them improve the dynamics of their teams (there's nothing more powerful than aligning all the talented people in the room with cognitive therapy) and to deliver their best work.

If you are interested in learning more,  click the button below to book your free consultation.

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